Workplace Ergonomics

Workplace Ergonomics: Better Places Drive Better Results


Office jobs are not apparently risky but they can be. Workplace risks and injuries are a reality, in fact, the strains and sprains are the most common injuries related to work as found by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics 2020. These are not only agonizing and expensive but can also be lifelong. However, employers and employees can prevent these by following the guidelines of workplace ergonomics. But what is workplace ergonomics? What are the ergonomics in the workplace examples? What is the importance of workplace ergonomics? How can you devise a strategy for workplace ergonomics improvement?

Key Takeaways

  • Ergonomics involves designing workplaces to enhance employee well-being and productivity, averting injuries, and improving job satisfaction.
  • Workplace ergonomics examples include using ergonomic chairs and keyboards, allowing frequent breaks, and providing relaxation areas.
  • The importance of workplace ergonomics includes reduced injury costs, increased productivity, improved work quality, and a stronger safety culture.
  • Steps for workplace ergonomics improvement: evaluate jobs, identify risks, educate staff, implement plans, involve employees, and continuously assess effectiveness.

Workplace Ergonomics Definition

Ergonomics is the field of study that focuses on increasing productivity, ease, and security by decreasing physical trauma and tension. A positive workplace environment is the key to producing a productive workplace culture. A workplace that caters to the physical and mental demands of all employees improves job satisfaction and helps in retaining employees.

Workplace Ergonomics definition refers to the physical structure, equipment, design, tools, and arrangement of a workplace that resonates with the needs of the employees. This is the art of designing workplaces with the science of considering the strengths and weaknesses of the employees.

The workplaces that are not designed as human-friendly often make the workers frustrated and fatigued. As time passes, they become less capable and motivated to deliver better outcomes.

Workplace Ergonomics Examples

Workplace Ergonomics Examples

Ergonomics in the workplace examples include the use of equipment designed according to ergonomics like chairs, keyboards, etc. It also comes with the undeclared rule of designing according to the demands of the employee rather than making him adaptable to the workplace. For this purpose, the physical demands and job responsibilities need to be kept in mind. Frequent breaks during working hours are another workplace ergonomics example. Ergonomics in the workplace examples also inculcate any relaxation area for employees to go and perform some relaxing activities like stretching exercises.

Workplace Ergonomics Importance

A significant portion of an employee’s life is spent at his workplace as jobs usually demand an eight-hour-long workday. A case study carried out by the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries studies 250 examples to discover the impacts of ergonomics in different workplace settings. According to this research, the importance of workplace ergonomics can be seen in the following five areas:

Workplace Ergonomics Importance

  1. Reducing costs through improved workplace design.

If the workplace is designed in a way that reduces the risk of physical injuries then the costs of injury will decrease subsequently. The company will not have to pay the compensation costs to the employees, thereby, increasing cost savings.

  1. Potential increase in productivity with certain ergonomic changes.

The probability of productivity enhancement will see a boost when workplaces undergo certain ergonomic changes. The changes to make the workplace efficient include comfortable lengths of tables and chairs that allow good posture, less movement of employees to carry out tasks by keeping available tools within reach, and less exertion.

  1. Enhancing the quality of work with better ergonomic practices.

Poor workplace ergonomics contribute to the exhaustion of employees at the workplace leading to a significant reduction in work productivity. The results are not up to the mark. If the training and the demanded duty of a worker do not align with each other, the physical taxation increases for the individual. This leads to a compromised quality of delivered work.

  1. Increasing employee engagement through ergonomic improvements.

A workplace that sounds welcoming to the employees will ultimately increase their interest in work. When employees feel physically fit at workplace the absenteeism ultimately declines. If they feel like the employer is taking notice of their comfort and safety at the workplace, the employee turnover ratio will also decrease. These factors will add to the morale of the employee and resultantly, the employee involvement will become better.

  1. Fostering a safer workplace culture with ergonomic initiatives.

A safety culture at the workplace indicates the commitment of an organization to safety. When the core value is the health and safety of the employee, then it helps in increasing the brand value of a company. New people show more interest in the company as health is a priority for every individual. The above-mentioned importance of workplace ergonomics makes it feel like a valuable asset for any company.

Workplace Ergonomics Importance

Workplace Ergonomics Improvement

Globally, workplace ergonomics is considered a proactive strategy rather than a reactive approach to make the workplace environment positive. Ergonomics risk assessment at the workplace is encouraged but is considered reactive, so it is better to avoid risks than to treat them later. This implies that ergonomics has a marginal impact if it is considered an afterthought. A few tips for workplace ergonomics improvement include:

Workplace Ergonomics Improvement

  1. Rank Jobs for Ergonomic Evaluation

The prioritizing of jobs is a comprehensive task that involves data collection by the ergonomics team. The team ergonomics needs to review the history of cases of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) in the workplace given by employees. The ergonomic analysis also includes the evaluation of the available facility tour.

  1. Spot Potential Risk Factors to analyze Ergonomic Impact

The ergonomics risk calculation will help the employer in identifying the potential hazards. These might include uneasy sitting postures for a longer period of time, lifting heavy weights, or carrying massive loads. However, other factors causing musculoskeletal disorders including the hectic job tasks and workplace equipment should be skipped from this evaluation. However, the personal capacities and limitations of the employee should be kept in mind.

  1. Educate Managers and Employees

Having an ergonomically designed workplace is not everything but the staff should also know how to make use of it properly. They should be well aware of all the safety procedures and techniques. Managers should give proper training to the staff to educate them about body mechanics, identifying ergonomic hazards, keeping a good posture throughout the day, and use of safety equipment. This will reduce the rate of MSDs and will empower the workers to maintain their own health controlling the level of job burnout.

  1. Roll Out an Ergonomic Enhancement Plan

Employers need to have an ergonomic enhancement plan to address all the associated risks. This plan not only involves the physical design of the workplace but also includes some policies to make the employees stress-free. This will not only reduce the complaints of MSDs but also decrease job anxiety and workplace stress.

  1. Create a List of Ergonomic Opportunities

Another effective workplace ergonomic improvement measure could be the creation of a list of ergonomic opportunities by referring to the company resources that are on priority. This way you will have the controls in place leading to an efficient and effective reduction in risks.

  1. Collaborate with Team to Find the Best Solutions

The team members need to be involved and have a voice in this process before finalizing the plan for implementation as the changes are for the employees.

  1. Secure Approval and Put Solutions in Place

Another important step in the improvement strategy is the approval process which especially becomes significant if capital expenditure is involved.

  1. Assess the Effectiveness of Ergonomic Changes

When an employer has undertaken the above-mentioned steps, the phase of testing begins. Here he needs to assess the effectiveness of the ergonomic changes that he has undertaken. Measure its success once all improvements are in place.


The blog refers to workplace ergonomics which are related to the physical conditions of an office environment that has both physical and mental impacts on individuals. Workplace ergonomics include the use of equipment and policies that should complement the needs of the employees. It is very important for a workplace setting as it enhances employee engagement and ultimately improves work productivity with an increased level of job satisfaction. So, a workplace ergonomics improvement strategy needs to be devised in consultation with the team to make the workplace free from hazards and risks.

Frequently Asked Questions About Workplace Ergonomics

  1. What is workplace ergonomics?

Workplace Ergonomics definition refers to the physical structure, equipment, design, tools, and arrangement of a workplace that resonates with the needs of the employees. Ergonomics in the workplace examples include the use of equipment designed according to ergonomics like chairs, keyboards, etc.

  1. What are some ergonomics in the workplace example?

Workplace ergonomics examples include using ergonomic chairs and keyboards, allowing frequent breaks, and providing relaxation areas.

  1. How can companies assess the effectiveness of ergonomic improvements?

Companies can assess effectiveness through regular employee feedback, monitoring injury and absenteeism rates, and evaluating overall productivity and work quality metrics.

  1. What role do breaks play in workplace ergonomics?

Frequent breaks help prevent fatigue and repetitive strain injuries, allowing employees to rest and reset, which is essential for maintaining long-term productivity and health.

  1. Does workplace ergonomics matter?

The importance of workplace ergonomics can be found in the study conducted by the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries showcasing reduced injury costs, increased productivity, improved work quality, and a stronger safety culture as the considerable factors.

  1. How can ergonomic practices reduce workplace injuries?

Ergonomic practices minimize repetitive strain and awkward postures, reducing the likelihood of musculoskeletal disorders and other injuries related to poor workplace design.

  1. Should the staff be taken in the picture when devising a strategy for workplace ergonomics?

Yes, it is important to seek advice from the employees for a workplace ergonomics improvement strategy as he will give a better analysis of the relevant problems.

  1. Can employee engagement increase with improved workplace ergonomics?

Yes, the productivity and engagement of employees increase with better workplace safety as their mental and physical stress and strain are reduced while job satisfaction and morale increase.

  1. Is it important to educate employees about workplace ergonomics?

The employees should be well aware of all the safety procedures and techniques related to workplace ergonomics. This will reduce the rate of MSDs and will empower the workers to maintain their own health controlling the level of job burnout.

  1. What are the steps needed for workplace ergonomics improvement?

The important steps for workplace ergonomics improvement evaluate jobs, identify risks, educate staff, implement plans, involve employees, and continuously assess effectiveness.


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